FF Future


Those who fly free flight models are facing increasing problems – particularly when flying from MOD land – as SAM 1066 found out at Middle Wallop.

The BMFA Free Flight Technical Committee (FFTC) have been actively addressing these issues. They have highlighted the difficulties, held a well publicised open conference, and are now working on how free flight modelling may be allowed to continue in the future.

Even if you are not a flier of current FAI classes, if you fly free flight models, this really may affect you.

To find out more why things must change, click on the following links below:
The Future of Free Flight Conference – sets out the problems and reports in depth on the conference.
The Future of Free Flight Conference – Summary of the key items in the presentations and an indications of measures the FFTC will take.

There is also a discussion on radio DT, including in a small rubber model, in the April 2016 issue of Aeromodeller.